8 research outputs found

    A comparison of classification models to detect cyberbullying in the Peruvian Spanish language on twitter

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    Cyberbullying is a social problem in which bullies’ actions are more harmful than in traditional forms of bullying as they have the power to repeatedly humiliate the victim in front of an entire community through social media. Nowadays, multiple works aim at detecting acts of cyberbullying via the analysis of texts in social media publications written in one or more languages; however, few investigations target the cyberbullying detection in the Spanish language. In this work, we aim to compare four traditional supervised machine learning methods performances in detecting cyberbullying via the identification of four cyberbullying-related categories on Twitter posts written in the Peruvian Spanish language. Specifically, we trained and tested the Naive Bayes, Multinomial Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machines, and Random Forest classifiers upon a manually annotated dataset with the help of human participants. The results indicate that the best performing classifier for the cyberbullying detection task was the Support Vector Machine classifier

    Dimensionality reduction via an orthogonal autoencoder approach for hyperspectral image classification

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    Nowadays, the increasing amount of information provided by hyperspectral sensors requires optimal solutions to ease the subsequent analysis of the produced data. A common issue in this matter relates to the hyperspectral data representation for classification tasks. Existing approaches address the data representation problem by performing a dimensionality reduction over the original data. However, mining complementary features that reduce the redundancy from the multiple levels of hyperspectral images remains challenging. Thus, exploiting the representation power of neural networks based techniques becomes an attractive alternative in this matter. In this work, we propose a novel dimensionality reduction implementation for hyperspectral imaging based on autoencoders, ensuring the orthogonality among features to reduce the redundancy in hyperspectral data. The experiments conducted on the Pavia University, the Kennedy Space Center, and Botswana hyperspectral datasets evidence such representation power of our approach, leading to better classification performances compared to traditional hyperspectral dimensionality reduction algorithms

    A Comparison of Authentication Methods via Keystroke Dynamics

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    Authentication systems based on keystroke dynamics analyze the typical typing pattern of a user when interacting with an input device, such as the keyboard of a computer. In the literature, three major approaches on keystroke dynamics can be found: distance-based, statistical-based and machine learning-based approaches, which are often used to solve the problem. Nevertheless, in the literature there are several works which results are obtained from different comparison methodologies; this represents a great problem for future researchers who seek to improve or advance with prior works. Furthermore, by using proprietary databases, researchers do not provide a good overview of the overall performance of their methods, but rather an overview in a specific case: That represented by their database. In this investigation, we proposed to evaluate the performance of the most representative classifiers in two of the three most common approaches used in keystroke dynamics using the public Greyc dataset. The experimental results, reveal that machine-learning based approaches outperformed the distance-based techniques. Moreover, the Random Forest classifier, provided encouraging results

    Comparison of Classifiers Models for Prediction of Intimate Partner Violence

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    Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a problem that has been studied by different researchers to determine the factors that influence its occurrence, as well as to predict it. In Peru, 68.2% of women have been victims of violence, of which 31.7% were victims of physical aggression, 64.2% of psychological aggression, and 6.6% of sexual aggression. Therefore, in order to predict psychological, physical and sexual intimate partner violence in Peru, the database of denouncements registered in 2016 of the “Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables” was used. This database is comprised of 70510 complaints and 236 variables concerning the characteristics of the victim and the aggressor. First of all, we used Chi-squared feature selection technique to find the most influential variables. Next, we applied the SMOTE and random under sampling techniques to balance the dataset. Then, we processed the balanced dataset using cross validation with 10 folds on Multinomial Logistic Regression, Random Forest, Naive Bayes and Support Vector Machines classifiers to predict the type of partner violence and compare their results. The results indicate that the Multinomial Logistic Regression and Support Vector Machine classifiers performed better on different scenarios with different feature subsets, whereas the Naïve Bayes classifier showed inferior. Finally, we observed that the classifiers improve their performance as the number of features increased

    Desafíos del aprendizaje profundo en la visión por computador

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    La visión por computador es un área de estudio en la inteligencia artificial que se enfoca en el desarrollo de técnicas computacionales para percibir el mundo a través de entradas visuales, como videos o imágenes. El aprendizaje profundo ha demostrado ser una técnica eficiente para el análisis e interpretación de datos visuales. Sin embargo, afronta innumerables desafíos según su aplicación en las diferentes tareas de la visión por computador. Este panel reúne un grupo de expertos en aprendizaje profundo, quienes ofrecerán información sobre su aplicación y los desafíos en sus respectivas áreas de investigación con relación a la visión por computador

    Desafíos del Aprendizaje Profundo en la Visión por Computador

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    Computer Vision is a field of study within Artificial Intelligence that focuses on developing computational techniques to perceive the world through visual data, such as video or images. Deep Learning has proven to be efficient in visual data analysis and interpretation. Nevertheless, it faces countless challenges given its application in several Computer Vision tasks. This panel brings together Deep Learning experts, who will share information about Deep Learning applications and challenges to overcome in their research fields regarding Computer Vision.La Visión por Computador es un área de estudio en la Inteligencia Artificial que se enfoca en el desarrollo de técnicas computacionales para percibir el mundo a través de entradas visuales, como videos o imágenes. El Aprendizaje Profundo ha demostrado ser una técnica eficiente para el análisis e interpretación de datos visuales. Sin embargo, afronta inúmeros desafíos según su aplicación en las diferentes tareas de la Visión por Computador. Este panel reúne un grupo de expertos en Aprendizaje Profundo, quienes ofrecerán información sobre su aplicación y desafíos a ser superados en sus respectivas áreas de investigación con relación a la Visión por Computador


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    Esta dissertação teve por objetivo comparar o desempenho de diversos algoritmos que representam o estado da arte em reconhecimento facial a imagens de sequências de vídeo. Três objetivos específicos foram perseguidos: desenvolver um método para determinar quando uma face está em posição frontal com respeito à câmera (detector de face frontal); avaliar a acurácia dos algoritmos de reconhecimento com base nas imagens faciais obtidas com ajuda do detector de face frontal; e, finalmente, identificar o algoritmo com melhor desempenho quando aplicado a tarefas de verificação e identificação. A comparação dos métodos de reconhecimento foi realizada adotando a seguinte metodologia: primeiro, foi criado um detector de face frontal que permitiu o captura das imagens faciais frontais; segundo, os algoritmos foram treinados e testados com a ajuda do facereclib, uma biblioteca desenvolvida pelo Grupo de Biometria no Instituto de Pesquisa IDIAP; terceiro, baseando-se nas curvas ROC e CMC como métricas, compararam-se os algoritmos de reconhecimento; e por ultimo, as análises dos resultados foram realizadas e as conclusões estão relatadas neste trabalho. Experimentos realizados sobre os bancos de vídeo: MOBIO, ChokePOINT, VidTIMIT, HONDA, e quatro fragmentos de diversos filmes, indicam que o Inter Session Variability Modeling e Gaussian Mixture Model são os algoritmos que fornecem a melhor acurácia quando são usados em tarefas tanto de verificação quanto de identificação, o que os indica como técnicas de reconhecimento viáveis para o vídeo monitoramento automático em vídeo.This dissertation aimed to compare the performance of state-of-the-arte face recognition algorithms in facial images captured from multiple video sequences. Three specific objectives were pursued: to develop a method for determining when a face is in frontal position with respect to the camera (frontal face detector); to evaluate the accuracy for recognition algorithms based on the facial images obtained with the help of the frontal face detector; and finally, to identify the algorithm with better performance when applied to verification and identification tasks in video surveillance systems. The comparison of the recognition methods was performed adopting the following approach: first, a frontal face detector, which allowed the capture of facial images was created; second, the algorithms were trained and tested with the help of facereclib, a library developed by the Biometrics Group at the IDIAP Research Institute; third, ROC and CMC curves were used as metrics to compare the recognition algorithms; and finally, the results were analyzed and the conclusions were reported in this manuscript. Experiments conducted on the video datasets: MOBIO, ChokePOINT, VidTIMIT, HONDA, and four fragments of several films, indicate that the Inter-Session Variability Modelling and Gaussian Mixture Model algorithms provide the best accuracy on classification when the algorithms are used in verification and identification tasks, which indicates them as a good automatic recognition techniques for video surveillance applications


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    Esta dissertação teve por objetivo comparar o desempenho de diversos algoritmos que representam o estado da arte em reconhecimento facial a imagens de sequências de vídeo. Três objetivos específicos foram perseguidos: desenvolver um método para determinar quando uma face está em posição frontal com respeito à câmera (detector de face frontal); avaliar a acurácia dos algoritmos de reconhecimento com base nas imagens faciais obtidas com ajuda do detector de face frontal; e, finalmente, identificar o algoritmo com melhor desempenho quando aplicado a tarefas de verificação e identificação. A comparação dos métodos de reconhecimento foi realizada adotando a seguinte metodologia: primeiro, foi criado um detector de face frontal que permitiu o captura das imagens faciais frontais; segundo, os algoritmos foram treinados e testados com a ajuda do facereclib, uma biblioteca desenvolvida pelo Grupo de Biometria no Instituto de Pesquisa IDIAP; terceiro, baseando-se nas curvas ROC e CMC como métricas, compararam-se os algoritmos de reconhecimento; e por ultimo, as análises dos resultados foram realizadas e as conclusões estão relatadas neste trabalho. Experimentos realizados sobre os bancos de vídeo: MOBIO, ChokePOINT, VidTIMIT, HONDA, e quatro fragmentos de diversos filmes, indicam que o Inter Session Variability Modeling e Gaussian Mixture Model são os algoritmos que fornecem a melhor acurácia quando são usados em tarefas tanto de verificação quanto de identificação, o que os indica como técnicas de reconhecimento viáveis para o vídeo monitoramento automático em vídeo.This dissertation aimed to compare the performance of state-of-the-arte face recognition algorithms in facial images captured from multiple video sequences. Three specific objectives were pursued: to develop a method for determining when a face is in frontal position with respect to the camera (frontal face detector); to evaluate the accuracy for recognition algorithms based on the facial images obtained with the help of the frontal face detector; and finally, to identify the algorithm with better performance when applied to verification and identification tasks in video surveillance systems. The comparison of the recognition methods was performed adopting the following approach: first, a frontal face detector, which allowed the capture of facial images was created; second, the algorithms were trained and tested with the help of facereclib, a library developed by the Biometrics Group at the IDIAP Research Institute; third, ROC and CMC curves were used as metrics to compare the recognition algorithms; and finally, the results were analyzed and the conclusions were reported in this manuscript. Experiments conducted on the video datasets: MOBIO, ChokePOINT, VidTIMIT, HONDA, and four fragments of several films, indicate that the Inter-Session Variability Modelling and Gaussian Mixture Model algorithms provide the best accuracy on classification when the algorithms are used in verification and identification tasks, which indicates them as a good automatic recognition techniques for video surveillance applications